Production Capacity
The mines meet a part of the company’s iron ore requirement for its sponge iron plant. Equipped
with fully mechanised techniques, it currently produces about 3.11 MTPA of sponge grade iron ore. An
additional mobile screening unit has been installed to ensure the availability of high-grade iron ore
/ fines for its sinter plant at Raigarh (Chhattisgarh).
Mining is done by top slicing method. Ore body (OB) and ore are removed mechanically with the help of
excavator and dumper. Average heights of the benches are maintained as per the regulations and
permissions granted by the Director of Mines Safety, Chaibasa region. The ROM is fed to the crusher to
get the final product of 5 - 20 mm crushed ore.
Haul roads are maintained properly, taking into account width and gradient. Strong parapet walls all
along the haul road have been provided and maintained. Drilling operation is carried out at the
mines with the help of IBH-10 drill machine. A water injection system has been provided in the drill
for wet drilling to suppress the fugitive dust. Rock breaker has been provided to break the oversize
boulders eliminating secondary blasting.
Sufficient water spraying arrangements have been provided to suppress dust on haul roads with the
help of fixed water sprinkling system and 20 KL capacity water sprinkler throughout the working
shifts. Water sprinkling arrangement has also been provided at all discharge points of ore processing
plant (OPP) along with the atomised sprinkling arrangement.
Dumpers of 35 MT capacity transport the ROM from mine to crusher through a well-maintained haul road.
The haul road and mine is one of the best in the locality, for which we have been accorded the best
haul road prize and best overall performance award during the Annual Mines Safety Week Celebration.
Besides, MEMC Week Celebration for mineral consumption and development is being conducted. Proper
blending proportion was maintained to achieve the required quality and simultaneously mineral
conservation is also maintained to achieve the optimum life of the mine. Various steps are being taken
to achieve the optimum costing in mining. Steps are being taken for diversion of rest of the mines
area from forest department.
Vocational Training
Vocational training in the field is provided to all newcomers. Training schedule is drawn from time
to time, which accommodates theoretical, refresher, audio-visual and practical training (on the job
and feedback test). Job training is also provided to all the contractor workers on regular basis as
Safety Management
A strong safety management system is in place to ensure safety of the staff at workplace. Different
forum to discuss safety related issues have been formed and strong action is taken against unsafe acts
and conditions. The Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Pillar team at the location is involved
in development work in the direction of safety. Training to all workers and the staff both internal
and external is provided.
Environment & Ecology
- At the mines, as per the Mining Plan, the mined out area is reclaimed back by filling and is
restored to its original status or planted with green foliage as required.
- The Top soil during mining are stacked separately for use in plantation & coir matting.
- Effective dry fog system introduced at ore processing plant Water tanker &fixed type permanent
sprinklers are provided from entrance gate to Mines for dust suppression.
- Air, water quality, noise and other environmental parameters monitored regularly and maintained
below permissible limits.
- Green belts lay along the safety zone.
- Environment system is protected and monitored regularly.
- To protect wild life, solar fencing has been provided at lease area.
- Effective dust suppression system has introduced at ore processing plant. Water tanker & fixed
sprinklers are provided for dust suppression possibly at the point of source.
- Air, water quality, noise and other environmental parameters monitored regularly and maintained
below permissible limits and also displayed by LED screen at entrance gate.
- Separate pits for used cotton, used filter& used hoses, separate yard for used oil and
separate room for used battery and hand over these waste to authorized recycler as per norms of
pollution control board.
- Zero oil discharge centre to recycle water of equipment washing centre.
- Best mine with overall performance award on 15th Mines environment and mineral conservation week
2013 by IBM.
- Bala Gulshan Tandon Excellence Award 2012-13 by Federation of Indian Mineral Industries.
- Best safety practices in the mining by Odisha Safety Conclave 2012 for effective and efficient
operation in a scientific manner to move towards sustainable development.
- Excellence Award at NCQC-2012 by QCFI.
- Achieved the silver award for outstanding achievement in Best Strategy (HR) in the 2nd Annual
Greentech HR Award, 2012 by Greentech Foundation.
- Award for best CSR activities in the mining during 3rd National Seminar on Odisha State Safety
- Gold Category Award at CCQC-2012.
- Best mine with overall performance award on 50th Mines Safety Week Celebration 2012 by DGMS.