The Human Resource department will endeavours to provide on an average 4-5 days of training per
employee on an annual basis. The training programme is conducted based upon the training needs
identified. The participants are nominated for both in-house and external training including
overseas training programmes. The responsibility of functional as well as behavioural / management
training rests with the HR department concerned, who will plan for and execute the training
initiatives in close co-ordination with functional heads.
JLMG Scheme
JSPL is highly committed to acquiring the best talent from the industry and nurturing &
developing human assets to enhance its own function. It is vital that the selection procedure of
the human assets be such that the Company is able to select the best talent. In accordance with
its objectives of creating a pool of skilled and capable employees, Jindal
Lead Management Group (JLMG) has been introduced in our Company.
Career growth plan
The career path defined typically for JLMG recruits indicates a person's promotion to reach the
level of AVP on completion of 10 years subject to his performance. Post achieving the level of
AVP, one's further growth is based on his / her performance.
Mentoring Scheme
Mentoring refers to a developmental relationship where a more experienced person (the mentor)
helps and guides a young and inexperienced person (the mentee) to better his professional life.
Mentoring goes beyond the normal boss-subordinate relationship as it also involves sharing of
professional skills, expertise and experience with the mentee. In order to derive the best out of
this relationship, the mentor has to provide a congenial atmosphere wherein the mentee shall feel
comfortable. It also helps in developing interpersonal relationships and knowledge sharing.